Sunday, September 9, 2007

La Petite Vendeuse de Soleil

This movie is taken place in Senegal which is an Islamic African country where they have contrast. The majority of its people are poor facing difficulties getting the minimum needs. On the other hand, there are some construction going on and tourist’s places living in different world separated from the majority. Moreover, the governments seem not popular or not having the credibility which is reflects on the Sun Newspaper selling rate which belong or managed by the government. Because Senegal is former French colonial French language became the official language for the country.

The movie started with a scene about woman accused of thieving and put in jail without questioned. Then, she kept saying “this country is going crazy”. I believe the director meant to show the chaos was happening there.

Sili started her journey looking for a job motivated by her mother bad situation and looking forward for batter life. As disable girl she faced more difficulties in her new job as newspaper seller. However, that did not turn her down and did not disappoint the newspaper dealer. She got great support from one of her male friend who tried to protect her from dangerous specially the one from other newspaper seller boys. Who found new girl competitor not acceptable.

After all, she succeeded and sold all The Sun Newspaper addition she had. She did not save the money she had. In fact her first thing she did with her money is buying an umbrella for her disable mom and tired to enjoy with her friends by the rest of the money. In end of the movie, her competitor ran away with her crutches which had her male friend to carry her on his back as indicator of continues hard time she is going to face.

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