Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Rabbit Proof Fence

Through out history dominator always trying to alter the ruled nation's culture, language and religion to fit the dominator set of interest. For example; in all countries French has colonized, they tried to spread the French language along with some French values. And almost the same tragedy happened here in the United State when the official tried to fit Native American to white man shoos. They opened schools in Indian Reservation to teach small Indian English and Christianity. So, what happened in Australia is not exception. However, the approach Australian white man used was cruel and savage.

Removing kids from their parents forcibly and tear out the family apart is something can not be described less than a savage. Living in ghastly environment even made worse. Living in a place resemble military base in middle of a war, missing basic facilities like bathroom and using pocket instead. Moreover, sleeping in one big crowded room and sharing beds sometimes. All that was surrounded by a cruel atmosphere missing a passion and loving environment that kids need especially if they were deprived form their parents.

They had to walk 1300 Miles was separate them form their village and most of this distance was a desert. At the first sight I said "wait a minute I been there, I know the place very well. It reminded me by my country where most of it a desert. Where the yellow carpet is lay down for all seasons with no exception and where either green or white carpets are not available all the time. And scattered plants fight the dryness of the desert by keeping moisture in, and keep it away from the sun.

There was more than a scene during the movie where you can see a pack of camels. Usually camels are a mark of desert. Camels are two types 1- Dromedary 2- Bactrian and both of them living in Asia as the below picture show

According to http://www.camelsaust.com.au/ the first camel in Australia was imported from the Canary Islands in 1840 by Horrock. The next major group of 24 camels came out in 1860 for the ill-fated Bourke and Wills expedition. The first time the explorer Giles used camels he travelled 220 miles in 8 days without giving water to the camels. He later went from Bunbury Downs to Queen Victoria Springs (WA), a distance of 325 miles in 17 days and gave one bucket of water to each camel after the twelfth day.

1 comment:

jhon said...

the fence is something to keep you from going somewhere or over it but they are following it home. The fence symbolises the barrier between the european and aborigne siocety.chain link fence estimator