Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Densha Otoko

Densha Otoko is Japanese movie based on true love story. The 23 years old Otoko brought to the movie when he intervened with drunken man was harassing several women in a train. Otoko start dating with Hermes who was harassed in that train. The movie was filmed in Tokyo which depicted in the movie as contemporary city full of lights and crowded with people and cars living in hectic pace.

The main point in this movie is about the people who are hiding behind their screen the internet wire is their connection with outside world and the modem is almost the only communication channel. This kind of people has developed different life style away from the people avoid interacting and grows fear feeling form outside in their self. It is difficult for them to leave this life style and starts re-discover the world again and deal with outside world.

Otoko had a group of people give him advices and guide him and tell him how to deal with his date. This group called Instant messenger support group that he chatting with them online.
Otoko from middle or less class he is living by his own in small room. Or we can say his home was a single crowded room. The movies shown the Japanese are using small space either in home or office. This is why Otoko was stunning by the way was Hermes’s home. Thought it was regular size to American home standard.

Though they are from different society class both of them are using the train in their transportation. I don’t know is it a writer mistake or the train is used by all classes in Japan. Anyway there was emphasizing on the train role on Tokyo people and considered an aspect of Tokyo life style.

I saw Apple product in the movie more than once. First one in first seen in the train Otoko was using iPod. Second, his girl friend father has a Macintosh Computer. Moreover, I remembered that one of my Japanese friends told me that iPod is popular in Japan. I don’t know how Apple could invaded this market who is full of advanced local electronic products it is like bringing corn to America from another country. Maybe because Apple products are high quality or maybe as Masotoshi said “Japanese prefers things imported from USA to Japanese”.

There are two points I would like to address about culture across. First, though the movie was romantic/comedy, we as Americans and International students understood and laugh about it. In other worlds we laugh on Japanese jokes which is something related to culture in first place. Second, one of the seen Otoko was looking at the moon and said “what a beautiful moon” then he took a picture of it. Usually the moon has special position in Middle Eastern culture. They always see the full moon as beauty symbolic and use it in their pomes, songs or even when someone flirts with his beloved one something that Americans don’t have. So, I’m wondering do Japanese have the same feeling as Middle Eastern about the moon or it was just a seen.

One of the most important massages that this movie try to convey is given a chance away is not affordable thing. This is what Otoko friends tried to convince Otoko to do and they succeed. Maybe they were see them self in him, this is why they have changed after he succeed and found the love. They start looking for their "own love" and start to see the world in whole new light as singles or couples.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Goodbye Lenin

Goodbye Lenin is a movie tried to cover one of most important era in German history which is the between 1989 & 1990. In this era West and East German have united and Berlin Wall fall down. The movie is shown vast different between the west and east of Berlin landscape. East Berlin look like did not touch since the World War 2 keeping the same building same design and same layout. Moreover, the isolation played important role in the community make its own people like prisoners and the East German like big prison with services.

Berlin wall fallen effect is not limited to Germany but it covers the whole world. Tens of walls were dividing the world fall along with Berlin wall a wall between every communism and capitalist country.

However, the movie just tried to cover the immediate change that was happening to the East of Berlin right after the wall fallen. For example: International companies that coming from the west and starts doing business in the East Berlin and the western food and furniture style as well.

In general the movie wasn't good for many rezones. First, was not accurate as it should be for example; there was a seen shown people from west of Berlin working as carriers in the east. Which is can not be true because East Berlin was economically desperate did not have jobs to offer even for its own people reversal the West Berlin. Second, the movie was focusing on the characters more than what happing around which made the film drive around small circle.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Seducing Dr. Lewis

Seducing Dr. Lewis is great movie depicting the life style of small village people in Quebec, Canada. In this is movie you can see how some villages in Canada are isolated from the rest of the country. Ferryboat is the only connection with outside world carries them their goods and letters from and to the nearest city.

The movie started with moaning sound comes up through the village while they having sex. The director or the writer meant to show the happiness level that they had because people having sex are more likely happy and in good mode. But everything has changed when the fishing dried up and put its inhabitant in danger.

The new Mayer toke over the mission that his former could accomplish which is getting some company to build their factory in their town. One of the company conditions is that the village must have a permanent doctor which is very difficult to have. Because the village has only 120 people living in and their only entertainment is hung out in restaurant and drink till late time.
While the village people struggle trying to find a solution for their problem the government was totally absent which is make it extra difficult for them. Motivated by their ties and love to their area started contact with every doctor and got Dr. Lewis and in order to convince sign up for the five years they had to deceive him and tried to pretty the village for him.

After Dr. Lewis found out about everything he was angry and on edge of leaving the village but he turned back and sign up the contract. This make the company start the plastic factory and employ all the villages people which made them a happy village people and in good mode that could have sexy with.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

La Petite Vendeuse de Soleil

This movie is taken place in Senegal which is an Islamic African country where they have contrast. The majority of its people are poor facing difficulties getting the minimum needs. On the other hand, there are some construction going on and tourist’s places living in different world separated from the majority. Moreover, the governments seem not popular or not having the credibility which is reflects on the Sun Newspaper selling rate which belong or managed by the government. Because Senegal is former French colonial French language became the official language for the country.

The movie started with a scene about woman accused of thieving and put in jail without questioned. Then, she kept saying “this country is going crazy”. I believe the director meant to show the chaos was happening there.

Sili started her journey looking for a job motivated by her mother bad situation and looking forward for batter life. As disable girl she faced more difficulties in her new job as newspaper seller. However, that did not turn her down and did not disappoint the newspaper dealer. She got great support from one of her male friend who tried to protect her from dangerous specially the one from other newspaper seller boys. Who found new girl competitor not acceptable.

After all, she succeeded and sold all The Sun Newspaper addition she had. She did not save the money she had. In fact her first thing she did with her money is buying an umbrella for her disable mom and tired to enjoy with her friends by the rest of the money. In end of the movie, her competitor ran away with her crutches which had her male friend to carry her on his back as indicator of continues hard time she is going to face.