Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Seducing Dr. Lewis

Seducing Dr. Lewis is great movie depicting the life style of small village people in Quebec, Canada. In this is movie you can see how some villages in Canada are isolated from the rest of the country. Ferryboat is the only connection with outside world carries them their goods and letters from and to the nearest city.

The movie started with moaning sound comes up through the village while they having sex. The director or the writer meant to show the happiness level that they had because people having sex are more likely happy and in good mode. But everything has changed when the fishing dried up and put its inhabitant in danger.

The new Mayer toke over the mission that his former could accomplish which is getting some company to build their factory in their town. One of the company conditions is that the village must have a permanent doctor which is very difficult to have. Because the village has only 120 people living in and their only entertainment is hung out in restaurant and drink till late time.
While the village people struggle trying to find a solution for their problem the government was totally absent which is make it extra difficult for them. Motivated by their ties and love to their area started contact with every doctor and got Dr. Lewis and in order to convince sign up for the five years they had to deceive him and tried to pretty the village for him.

After Dr. Lewis found out about everything he was angry and on edge of leaving the village but he turned back and sign up the contract. This make the company start the plastic factory and employ all the villages people which made them a happy village people and in good mode that could have sexy with.

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