Monday, October 15, 2007

Beijing Bicycle

China has the largest population on the earth 1.3 Billions and the forth biggest country in world 3,704,426 mi2. That’s not all; china has also the largest number of bicycle about nine millions bicycles in Beijing alone. The bicycle is a simple the director has used to depict the life of countryside teenager moved to urban area looking for a job.

The movie starts when a countryside teenager got a job in a Delivery Company as messenger. As part of his job he received a new well build nice bicycle, he should pays for it from his delivery charge portion till he own it. After that, he shares equally with the company any delivery charge. Guei was happy with his “dream job” working hard delivering packages.

As Guei was working he visited places he hasn’t being before. He saw the big contrast between social classes. Where lower class hardly keep up with basic life expenses and between upper class who are living in luxury. But, that did not mean anything to him as long as he riding his bike and delivering. Unfortunately, those happy days did not last for long time. His bike was stolen caused him firing from his job. After negotiate with his boss he had his word to have him back in the company if he got his bike back. In fact, He did not just lose his job and his bike, it was more than that.

Bicycle in Beijing goes beyond a tool of transportation. It is prestige and proud source for its owner. Moreover, it is reflecting the owner personality. For teenager bike consider as entertainment time tool and the way your biking skills are important as well.
Guei started searching for his bike in the crowded with small odds to find it. Yet his search did not last for long time before he found it with Jian. Jian is a teenager was promised many times by his father to get him a bicycle .But he couldn’t because of financial difficulties the family going through. Jian clime that he bought the bike from used cycle by money he was stolen from his father. In the same time Guei is only thinking about getting his bike back no matter what in order to get back to his work.

As mention previously in Beijing the bike consider away more than a transportation tool. Jian wanted the bike to seducing the girl he wanted and ride with his friends. Unfortunately, the girl he wanted went with someone else after small fight with him. She went with a “cool guy” according to the movie teenager standard, who was dyed his hair, smoker, has biking skills and wearing western clothing.

One of common difficulties that rural people has to deal with once they moved into the city is harshness. The main character Guei has to be beaten many times. Not because, he is week or easy to get, he just not used to face violence in villages. And this is why he got beaten in the end of the movie along; he just was lost in crowded. In addition that was hint to indicate that person is will be beaten more and going to take some time before he could adapted to the harshness city life style.

Something funny in noticed in the movie. There were many people brushing their tooth. Though I thought this habit doesn’t excite in bottom class. Do you think poor Chinese aware about the important of having healthy mouth that much?

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