Friday, December 14, 2007

Motorcycle Diaries

Motorcycle Diaries taken place in 1952 when two young friends, Alberto Grando and Ernesto "Che" Guevara decide to go on trip to discover Latin America that they only know from books. "The mighty one" their motorcycle made the trip possible, starting from Argentina and going through Chile, Peru, and Columbia and end up in Venezuela. This movie is putting spotlight on an important period of Guevara's life and how this journey has changed his life for ever.

Traveling has so many benefits like enrich your experience, enhance your understanding for the world and people. There is nothing more beautiful than visiting new places and been introduced to a new culture. People who do not travel are missing a lot of pleasure in their lives. I have been in eight different countries and studying abroad is wonderful experience I whish everybody can have it. This is exactly what happened to Guevara. His traveling has opened his eyes on issues he wasn't aware of before hid trip. On other words, Guevara wouldn't be Guevara we know if he did not make this trip.

The movie was depicting the contrast among Latin America countries in terms of landscaping and weather. However, they were all shearing one thing, people suffering from Injustice. Guevara and Alberto were not just taking pictures in every city they pass by. Yet, they were interacting with the people and having talk with them. They confronted many distressing stories during their journey, people deprived from their basic rights and being under their system mercy.

Spending three weeks at leper colony along the Amazon River had the most influence on Guevara personality. Patients were segregated from doctors, nurses and nuns. In facts, patients were detached from the whole world by the river. By the time Guevara got in this colony he has reached a high level of certainty that something has to be done to take away all injustice against the people. Guevara preferred to continue celebrating his birthday on the other side of the Amazon River. Though his asthma sickness could strike him anytime, he swim to the people he thought they need him more than any medication.

Crossing the river in that way, Guevara announced himself a revolutionary. The river was a simple of inequality, injustice and schemes that Guevara tired to challenge and beat. At that time, his personality has totally shaped by the experience he had during this journey. His vision was cleared and his goal was big and he is changed forever.

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