Wednesday, November 7, 2007

City of god

City of God was released in 2002 in Brazil and 2003 for the world wide. This movie is base on true story taken place in City of God in west of Rio de Janeiro early 80's. The movie is depicting how the crime effects poor population in the slum and how poorness affects the crime vice versa. Poor and unenlightenment people with high crimes rate among them are living in a circle. Poor people giving birth of kids who grow up and make poor families and the same goes for crimes and unenlightement. The first generation the movie was depicting committing crimes with limit. They were armed robbers and thieves but not killers. The following generation follows the pervious generation steps. However, the following generation has gone further and started committing crimes with no limits and more severity. In addition, crime diffusion continues to find its way to the new generation like a chain.

Poverty Poverty and Poverty

**Ali bin Abetaleb said "wherever poverty exists, the miscreantness exists along with it" and he said "If poorness is a man I would kill him". He meant that poorness is always associates with disorder, war, spread of diseases and high crimes rate. There are many live examples depicting this fact. Check the list of World's 50 poorest countries and ask this question; what kind of news we usually hear about these countries? We usually hear war, spread of diseases, disorder and corruptions. It doesn't have to be a form of country only but, it could be any form of community such as neighborhood or a family. Poor community produces high percentage of hapless people with not so much to loose and they have tendency to use violence. This kind of community provide expedient climate to plant crimes and gangster. What I meant by all that, the poverty is the base where most of problems comes from and this what the movie is depicting.

Crimes, violence and drugs were like a chain each generation spread them in the neighborhood and surroundings area before passes it to the next generation. Drugs produce gangster, gangster produce violence and addicted people. Some addicted become a part of the gang and uses violence. Victim of the violence uses violence to revenge, violence produce violence and so on. Best example of this chain was presented in the movie by Knockout Ned character. He was peaceful man seeking revenge after his beloved woman raped and his father and brother were killed. In order to get help to achieve his goal and kill Li'l Zé he became a member of Cenoura gang who was the rival of Li'l Zé gang.

The origin of Cidade de Deus, or City of the Gods, is a city that was built on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro in the 1960's. It was built by a Brazillian government which had become obsessed with the benefits of capitalism, economic rationalization, and foreign debt. The city was built for all the people of Rio who could not afford housing and living essentials. It was initially devoid of roads and buses. Eventually it was dominated by gangs of indiscriminately murderous drug-dealers.

Recently, Favelas resemble tiny independent country inside a country. This independent country has one or several gangsters playing the government role. They control, arrest and punish. Moreover, each gangster respects the other gangster's boundary and any interfere with this law could lead to a war. Moreover, the police and any other official organization are not excluded from this law. If the police have to break this law they should prepare themselves ahead of time and plan as it a big war. They usually choose one of two options; either shoot from outside the Favela or go inside with hundreds of armed soldiers.

Favela in the Movie
Media has powerful massages can form and portrayal of entire cultures and people. I know how Rio de Janeiro is a beautiful, varied and big city. However, now every time I read or I hear something about it, pictures from the movie cross my mind. Pictures of Li'l Zé and his gang are walking in the small passages of the city of god killing with cold blood. People are living in congestion where they use every space for building homes and shops. People were difficult to live in peace. Beside the gangster there were the runts who mug residents and hold-ups shops.
People who are living in a Favela have totally different life style than the people outside like separate island in an ocean. Coming out from a Favela and going to the city like coming form wet dark room to a dry room full of lights and colors. Favela is crowded place isolate poor people from the community and put them under mercy of gangster.

Facts about the Movie

  • God was filmed in a housing project called Cidade Alta, whose drug trade was run by a guy named Paulo Sergio Magno, who just happened to be arrested in the theatre lobby while attending a special screening of God. Who said films don't make the world a better place? According to

  • Most of these actors had never acted before, and were, in fact, residents of Favelas such Vidigal and the Cidade d Deus. According to

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