Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Singapore Dreaming

A family consisted of six members having big dreams living on a small island. Singapore Dreaming is a movie representing a typical middle-class Singaporean family hoping for a better life. However, the reality was harsh like a rock which the family dreams crashed on it. When the patriarch of the family won two million in the lottery they thought this was the end of their struggles. But, destiny had different opinion.
The Movie Characters
Poh Huat the patriarch was working as a lawyer’s clerk seizing goods from credit card home debts. As he performs his job, he feels jealous from the home owners, whishing he had a condo in high neighborhood like them. His housewife Siew Luan was simple person content with her life. She was working hard cleaning and cooking for her family. They have one son, Seng and one daughter, Mei. Seng had just come from the United State after finishing his studying. The family was hoping that Seng would get a job and contribute to the family and improve its situation. And his fiancĂ©e couldn't wait to see her dream come true which was having family and children. Seng was self-centered unlike his sister. Mei was working as secretary maintaining a good relationship with her boss. Her husband just quit from military and he is working in insurance company making small money.
Public Houses
The majority of Singaporean people are living in public houses; since the cost of private housing is very high. Public houses are affordable and provided by the government for middle and lower-class. Public housing in Singapore as such is not generally considered as a sign of poverty or lower standards of living as compared to public housing in other countries (Australia, England etc). www.wikipedia.org. On the other hand, moving to privet housing is a dream for most of Singaporean people and Poh and his family was one of them.
English Usage
English language is one of the four official languages in Singapore. This is why it was strongly present during the movie. English goes back to colonial Singapore. As more of its people experienced learning English at school, English became widely spoken. The use of English has increased still further and since 1987 English is the main language. Most of children grow up bilingual form infancy and learn more languages as they grow up. www.leeds.ac.uk.

According to Singaporean government, Singaporean consisted of Chinese 76.8%, Malay 13.9%, Indian 7.9%, other 1.4% (2000 census) and each of these ethnics is speak its own language. I believe they needed a common ground unite these three ethnics. So, they found English as the right choice, because especially English has root in Singapore to colonial era and because it is the international language. Consequently, English has became fourth official language since 1987.
Foreigners in Singapore
Foreigners in Singapore were mainly represented by two characters. First character was the maid was working for Mei she was from Philippine. Second character was China who had interesting conversation with Mei's husband. Probably she was depicting the way foreigners looking at Singaporean. She was saying that Singaporean always complaining about their situations. In addition, they did not suffer or encounter hard life for example lack of food or security.
Wonderful Scene
After Poh Huat death his wife Siew Luan filled with sadness because of three facts, losing her husband was one of them. Second fact, was uncovered during the funeral when she found out that her husband had mystery. Finding this bitter true came down harsh on Siew and maximized her sorrow. This fact made Siew angry and put her in silence for several days after the funeral. Third fact was the greatest scene in the whole movie. If truth be told, this scene one of the most wonderful scenes I have ever seen. The scene took place when Mei tried to push her mother to break her silence. After several attempts Mei did to urging her mother to talk. Siwe talked and said" I was singing I even was number one in singing contest at the school. Poh promised me to take care of me all my life. Now he left and I can sing no more.
What Siwe meant by these words that she had singing talent and she was dreaming to be a singer before she met Poh. After that, Poh promised her to take care of her all the time and she doesn't need to sing anymore. So, she gave her talent and dreams a way. She thought that Poh going to be there forever. Now she doesn't have either. She killed her dreams and talent and Poh gone forever. This is a big lesson for everyone who wrongly thinking of giving his/her talent away for "love". The true love is where the dreams thrive and flourish not where the dreams die and deteriorate.

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